Terms of use

Aim of the terms of use:

  • persogames.com offers this service under these Terms of use.
  • persogames.com do not guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of the data, information or opinions, whatever the origin, which are accessible from the site persogames.com and have been entered by the users. You agree to exempt persogames.com from any liability related to tests content.
  • You assume the sole responsibility of the consequences, damage or actions that might flow from access to such content as well as their reproduction or dissemination.
  • persogames.com is not liable for breaches of any user that affect the rights of another user, or third parties, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, confidential information and any other rights of intellectual or industrial property.
  • This limited warranty and limitation of liability mentioned above did not affect or impair the rights that you have by the laws of your place of residence.

Intellectual Property:

  • User acknowledges that the elements and integrated utilities within the site persogames.com are protected by copyright law and that the rights of intellectual property on them correspond to persogames.com. Accordingly, the User agrees to abide by the terms and conditions established by the General Conditions of Use, being solely responsible for its failure versus Third.
  • User abstain from any reproduction, modification, distribution, marketing, decompile, disassemble, using reverse-engineer or any other means of obtaining the source code for the page and therefore, user acknowledges this constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights of persogames.com.
  • Unless special agreement between the parties, you agree to use the information from the site only to your own needs and not to engage in a direct or indirect commercial exploitation of services or the results achieved with the use of the site persogames.com.
  • You undertake not to use the facilities and capabilities of the site persogames.com to perform or suggest outlaw activities.
  • User will refrain from carrying out any conduct on the use of the site persogames.com that violates intellectual or industrial property rights of persogames.com or third parties, or that violates or transgresses the honor, personal or family privacy, the image of others, or that are illegal or violates the morality. Therefore, user agree to free and relieve persogames.com from any legal liability as a result of that use.

Cookie Policy:

  • For the rigth work of this site, sometimes, we need to install in the user devices little data files known as cookies.
  • What's a cookie?: A cookie is a little file that web sites install in the device of the users visiting the site. The cookies make the web site remember the acts and user preferences (login ID, language, font size and other display preferences), So that users do not have to re-configure them when they return to the site or browse the page.
  • How we use cookies?
    • Our website uses 'Cookies' to distinguish between you and other users of our service.
    • Cookies are only associated to the browser of a specific computer and they not provide themselves the user data.
    • Web page uses session cookies for browsing on the web. These cookies expire and are removed at the end of the session.
    • Besides, persogames can use third party cookies in order to analize the use of our web.
    • We use Google Analytics and Google Adsense to traking and capturing data. Data got by cookies by means of this services are always anonymous, more info
  • How to control cookies: You can check or clear the cookies whenever you want, for more information click In addition to being able to delete all cookies that are already on your computer, you can also set most browsers to stop accepting. But keep in mind that if you reject cookies, you may need to manually reconfigure your preferences each time you visit a site, as well as some services and functionality may be affected.


  • persogames.com could leave providing the services offered without needing to communicate to users and could delete all the content at the following cases: by an unethical, offensive, incorrect or irrelevant way of using the service provided by persogames.com., by content duplicity, persogames.com closure, and in general, in the assumption user breaks any of the responsibilties accepted according to the current Terms of Use.

Tests validation:

All tests published on persogames are checked. Those that do not meet basic requirements are directly deleted. A test will be deleted due to the following causes:

  • Tests with inappropriate content.
  • Single question tests are not considered tests (the ARROW questions with more than one option would not enter this group, they would not be eliminated). First, the author of the test will be contacted so that he can complete the test, as long as he has given permission to send emails in his configuration. If you complete the test before the next revision, it will not be removed, otherwise it will be removed. A recommended practice would be to save the incomplete tests on the hard disk and once finished publish it.
  • Tests with incorrect or meaningless answers.
  • Tests reported by copyright: We will contact the author, as long as he has given permission to send emails in their account settings, so that he can send us proof that he is the owner of the content of the test. If we cannot get in touch, the test will be deleted directly.